Lore & Leaf
Super Undies - Fearless Potty Training Pants
Why Are These Potty Training Pants FEARLESS?
Because they are waterproof, and stuffable. It's that simple. These trainers make it safe for you to enter into the unknown world of potty training. How long will it take? What could happen? What kind of mess could be made? What if my kid leaks everywhere? What if we have to go to my snooty friend's house and my kid has an accident?
Waterproof trainers, baby.
Car seat? Saved. Couch? Saved.
AND they come with enough absorbency to hold half a pee - which means natural consequences for your child. Need more absorbency? Just stuff it.
Adding an insert boosts these babies into a mini-diaper in no time.
Potty Training Pants That Work For YOU!
If you've been potty training with disposable pull-ups, then you know that they don't work! There is no wet sensation, and most importantly, no natural consequence for not making it to the toilet.
But not these! Our Potty Training Pants cause your kiddo to feel wet, which is absolutely necessary to build the brain-body connection when potty training. This is one of the only ways you can help teach through natural consequences, right? That kiddo needs to feel wet!
If you've been using cloth diapers, then you know that reusable cloth is an excellent, safe way to go, but in order to transition to potty training, you've got to change something. That's where we come in. Super Undies Potty Training Pants mimic underwear with their low profile. We don't use cloth diaper sewing techniques. We've crafted a design specifically for Potty Training Pants, making them look like underwear.
Watch this quick 90 second video on how these trainers work. You'll see how thick they really are, how their inner pocket system works, how stretchy they really are, and above all, why switching between trainers and diapers is dangerous.